Vishwa Chaitanya Ashrama @ Khannur
With the help of similar mind set-ups we have started a Ashrama in the year of 2016 and inaugurated by Shri Siddeshwara Swamiji Jnana Yogasharama, Bijapur for the poor people those who has not in the condition of financial position to lead the life, we are offering them to fulfill their daily needs and peacefully they can lead their life.
Deviational Tour planned for people of Rural area Citizens.
RVS International Education Trust (R) , A Group of people come-up with assigned a topic of Rural Education
and Development, it created lots of problems for to upgrade rural education towards International Quality &
Standards, it’s raises many problems, due to this we have plan to open an International level school at
rural area, for this reason we have selected the area is Khannur (Post-Shelwadi) , Taluk-Navalgund,
Dist-Dharwad, Pin-582208, after that,Ashrama, Rural Health Issue, Child’s Right, Environmental condition
towards betterment, Women Empowerment, livelihood re-creation on the basis of right and Humanity Trust
started in 2017 by a group of people representing to various section of the society.
Earlier with a group of young people in 1994 joined Sangha called Shri Maruthi Taruna Sangha, in 2000 I
(Suresh Angadi) has appointed as chairman for Shri Maruti Taruna Sangha's Reg No: 5/169/1993-94, in 5 Years
we have organized many programs for our village peoples but its known un-organized at village level, with
the help of many people we adopted some rules and regulations towards village development. and in this we
have succeed also, after that Shanga was slightly we shifted our previous moto and mission into Vivekananda
Agricultural & Rural Development Society, and taken the Registration from Sub-Registrar Dharwad the
Registration bearing No: 244/2005-06 on 09th November 2005 under society / sangha Act of Karnataka
Government. we have done several programs, like, Women-Empowerment program, Left Child's Admission Activity,
Food for Poor People (Ashrama), Rural Sports and Dasara Sports, Environmental Betterment Program, Stage
Show, Health Capms, Eye Camps, Seminar towards Personility Depvelopment , Child Labour Awerness Program, we
are working on village welfare and Jatra mohotsava , Janapada Jatre and all other activities, the now a days
we thought that or find out reason behind that why the rural became under development, Society analyzed that
behind this reason is High Standard Education. Highly impossible to get good & quality education with lower
cost in rural. We the young and experienced people in different field thinking about our rural education
problems. That time we have rectified the problems and we have to overcome from this problem for next
generation. To resolve this challenge RVS International Education Trust became exist in the year of 2017 On
13th October 2017 bearing the Registration No .215/Book No-4/2017-18 only concern keeping in mind to start
the well and good quality education serve to society, with lower
cost in rural. Mr.S.K.Jangaleppagoudar Rtd. Principal found the salutation for rural education built in
Khannur taluka Navalagund Dist Dharwad, with Mr.Sidlingesh V Susangi and Mr.Suresh S Angadi, these all
together got registered Trust in the name of RVS International Education Trust.
In this RVS International Education Trust Mr.S.K.Jangaleppagoudar Founder and Hon’ble President,
Mr.Sidlingesh V Susangi, Secretary and Mr.Suresh S Angadi became trustee in this Trust and serve rural
After registration of the Trust Mr.Suresh S Angadi have given the land to build a school in his owned, in
this building of school we need the capital expenses and operating expenses.
The foundation to turn India into a strong nation has to be laid down at primary and rural levels and so the
quality of education right from the beginning should be excellent. Education and text books should be made
interesting. For rural students textbooks related to their culture, their traditions and values should also
be there so as to create their interest in studies. The reasons behind so many drop-outs in spite of
education should be found out as this is a hurdle on the road to progress. Improvement in the condition of
government schools, education quality, committed teachers and more salaries to these teachers should be part
of development.
In the concept socio development! Education is playing major roll in India. When we talk about education in
India, we can’t just talk about how education is in urban cities of India, without going deep into rural
education that constitutes almost 90% of the schools being located in rural areas. Recent studies have shown
how the face of education in rural parts of the country have developed to a great extent, but some remote
areas still do need a serious check-up with children failing to receive basic quality education.
Majority of India still lives in villages and so the topic of rural education in India is of utmost
importance. A survey named called the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER), shows that even though the
number of rural students attending schools is rising, but more than half of the students in fifth grade are
unable to read a second grade text book and are not able to solve simple mathematical problems. Not only
this, the level of mats and reading is further declining. Though efforts are being made, they are not in the
right direction. The reason cited for this problem in surveys is the increasing number of single classroom
to educate students from more than one grade. In some states attendance of teachers and students is also
declining. These are a few reasons why schools have failed to educate rural India. Quality and access to
education is the major concern in rural schools as there are fewer committed teachers, lack of proper text
books and learning material in the schools. Though Government schools exist, but when compared to private
schools then quality is a major issue. Majority of people living in villages have understood the importance
of education and know that it is the only way to get rid of poverty. But due to lack of money they are not
able to send
their children to private schools and hence depend upon government schools for education. Above that, in
some of the government schools there is only one teacher for the entire school and if they don’t show up at
work, then it is a holiday. If the quality along with number of teachers and, that to committed teachers can
be improved in these schools, then aspiring rural children and India can fulfill their dreams of doing
something great. Poverty is another setback. Government schools are not as good and private schools are
expensive. This results in a very low number of students actually clearing their secondary education and
Admission into colleges for further studies, so the drop-out-rate at the secondary level is extremely high
in villages. Only parents who can afford college education send their kids to secondary schools. If parents
are not able to send their wards for higher education then all their previous efforts get wasted as
completing just secondary education means a low paying job and the person is again struck in the same never
ending cycle of money, life and poverty.
We cannot but agree that, it is education that leads to the road to betterment of a community and the nation
at large. And when we think about bring in a reformation in education, we have to point out what all
prevents the education system in India to develop. Let’s start it with rural education.
Most textbooks are in English and since people in rural areas either speaks their native language or Hindi,
but not English that defeats the purpose. This results in lack of their interest in studies. Though some of
the students from villages are really brilliant, as they have a wealth of practical knowledge and know
how to survive even in very harsh conditions of life, difficultly in understanding their textbooks, lack of
facilities and their poverty is a hurdle in their education.
Quality related issues are far powerful than poverty. Students are not at all encouraged to think but they
are asked to memorize pre-defined questions for exams. So for many students clearing examination at the end
of the session, passing their exam becomes more important than gaining knowledge. Also as per the new CBSE
rule, every student is supposed to be promoted to the next class irrespective of marks in their examination.
Hence majority of students do not bother to study, which means a decline in their education level.
Neither students nor teachers take any interest in studies which is why the level of education is declining
in India despite many efforts.
There is a difference between city and village student not in terms of brain or development but their
initial environment, skills, learning ability, availability of infrastructure, and access to different
facilities. All of these must be considered while making the curricula which should not be different but how
it is going to be taught would make the difference. Encourage the genuine rural students who are interested
in education and make them competent.
There are many examples of success in rural education in India. These are innovative and successful examples
of schools running in rural India. It is the time to replicate such efforts as our country and its rural
population is very vast which means one of two stories of these kinds won’t make any difference. Instead of
this large number of such schools are required in rural India. It is
also absolutely mandatory to evaluate the success of the schools and students at each and every level.
Timely assessment will throw light on present problems and achievements. Let us try to build a solution
around these problems which will resolve the overall issues of rural education in India.
The most common problems that hinders the growth of education in rural India can be pointed out as
Reason is Lack of proper transportation. Most villages have poor connectivity from one place to another and
that is often one of the main reasons why, despite efforts by local governing bodies to build schools, often
go in vain. Children, most of the time has to walk miles to reach these government funded schools and this
often de-motivates them to attend school on a regular basis.
People belonging to remote rural areas have meager incomes, which at times is too less to sustain a family
of maybe four or five. Most likely, children from these families won’t be sent to schools, instead would be
asked to assist the earning member of the family to add up some extra income. On the other hand, teachers in
rural Education centers in villages are paid poorly, often leading to lack of attention by teachers,
ultimately forcing the students to suffer.
Lack of proper infrastructure at these rural schools is also a big concern. Most of the schools don’t have
proper classrooms, teaching equipment, playgrounds and even basic facilities like clean toilets. Thus, the
poor conditions of schools are big reasons to drive away students.
These are some of the few prominent crises that are holding back rural education to match up with the
education system in urban
Education centers. Education imparted in rural centers lack in quality and it’s high time, proper attention
is paid to these centers and create a platform where students from rural areas can get proper education, the
right encouragement to pursue further studies and jobs.
Proper availability of basic facilities like clean toilets, drinking water, adequate classroom facilities,
and timely motivational programs for teachers etc. should be there. The right reformation can definitely
bring about a positive change towards the development of rural education in India.